where to start.

Use the cross-functional diagnostics performed by Ernani Ferrari to identify where and how you can improve product management to increase revenue, reduce costs, and gain scalability for your business.


Comprehensive, fast,
and affordable

The Cross-functional Diagnostic maps and analyzes product management processes, related processes, and their interactions. With exclusive techniques for quick interviews, in-loco observations, and analyses of existing documents and information, the diagnostic identifies the vast majority of opportunities and limitations that can be operationally explored. It is like having a benchmark with 100+ companies and the best practices of the market–all in one week!

In just a few days, a detailed report is produced and presented.  

attained results.

Most opportunities explored with our clients were identified by the Cross-functional Diagnostic.


Productivity increase in product development and services


Cost reduction in customer support


Sales increase in less than a year


how it works.

The Cross-functional Diagnostic in four steps

Schedule [1 day]

Some preliminary information, provided in a quick visit or a phone conversation, is sufficient for Ernani to create a detailed schedule of brief interviews (30-90 minutes each) with one or two key people from each process area.

Interviews [2-3 days]

Brief interviews are enough for a fast, yet thorough survey of all critical operational processes of your organization. It identifies teams, responsibilities, workflows, relationships between processes, procedures, roles, tools, policies, and performance indicators.

Analyses and Report Building [2 days]

All operational processes are extensively analyzed. Key aspects evaluated are: 1) organizational structures; 2) operational models’ consistency; 3) dynamics, maturity, and synergy of operational and managerial processes; 4) organizational scalability; 5) knowledge management (means and current status). Conclusions are organized for a detailed presentation.

Executive Meeting – Conclusions Report [4-6 hours]

The diagnostic’s results are presented in a meeting with the executive team and optionally invited managers. Conclusions are thoroughly presented–positive aspects to potentialize; limitations and conflicts to eliminate; opportunities to explore; priorities for evolutionary and corrective measures; insights; supporting information to plan integrated process improvements and for strategic planning.

Precise information for decision making about corrective and evolutionary measures

save time and money in:

Investment decisions
Planning for operational or strategic improvements
Identification of process weaknesses
Appraisal of operational performance and organizational structures for product management
Analyses for product partnerships

Reach years of solutions in a few months

Ernani Ferrari uses his extensive experience with software companies to find and explore the best opportunities for real gains and efficiency improvement.